Last week I recently had the opportunity to brew my own beer. Steve, the owner of Station U-Brew in Puyallup, WA was kind enough to help me through the process. Brewing has an interesting procedure with many set rules. From the right water temperature, grinding of the grains, boiling the mash adding the malt and hops; all steps had to be completed at a certain points and certain temperatures. The whole purpose is to create a specific environment for the yeast to do its magic and create beer. Each ingredient gives its own variable on affecting the taste of the beer. From the different types of malts and grains to the different hop varieties all has a place on how it specifically affects the taste. Then the yeast is added. A brewer creates the wonderful environment for these microbes to thrive in and do their magic.
So that made me wonder... How do we create the perfect environment for us to succeed?
Do you have the right team? Are the people in your business team motivated in helping you succeed? The right working environment. A clean de-cluttered working area. Do things like music, an inspiring view, or photographs inspire you to work? The proper tools. A comfortable chair, keyboard, lighting, etc. Have you created the best area environment that can help you to achieve that specific "flow state"? I have found that with the proper working environment (comfortable chair, classical music, and large screen) I find it easier to create documents, write blogs or do any other computer work at a faster rate. Thus, I have created an environment that will allow me to get into that flow state.
So, I suggest give it a try. Create that perfect environment that you would need to work efficiently, comfortable, and relaxed; so that you can achieve a better work-space for yourself.
Like the yeast, a perfect environment can create amazing results!
More on the beer in a later article. Cheers!